Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Rape and molestation an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by

Rape and molestation There are different reasons that cause rape and violence in modern societies. Most of them lie in the belief that one has a right to control or punish someone, if he doesnt obey his rules or behavior habits. Thats why rape is considered to be an expression of iniquity in power relations between man and woman or homosexuals. The reason of the following inequality in power relationships cannot be generally considered to be the outcomes of the evolution or humans nature, but basically the societies that make woman a citizen of a second class. Need essay sample on "Rape and molestation" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Our Customers Frequently Tell EssayLab professionals: Who wants to write essay for me? Specialists suggest: Professionals Are Creating Successful College Custom Essays! Best Essay Writing Service Reviews Buy Essay Online Cheap Best Essay Writing Service Good Essay Writing Company The problem of creating inequality and the social processes that follow social inequality are not have been studied deeply by the sociobiologists, and the best solution to the rape problem that they give is primary not to dress very attractively- and once again it looks like a method to control womans behavior. The understanding of the rape problem is very essential in our society and as the specialists say the main stress has to be made on changing the nature of relationships between men and women, whichs main task is to promote more equality between them two. Sociobiological explanation of rape is really nothing more than a science in the service of oppression. They point that men who are not successful in their life use rape to gain sexual access and compensate their stress as well as to show power. For the most of cases rape happens because as act of demonstration power not just the act of satisfying sexual desires and needs. Some sociolbiologists argue that men rape women to in order to pass their genes on the next generation. But still it makes a lot of questions, which Lisa Vevett covers in her article Why men rape? : For instance, if passing on their genes is the aim of rape, why do rapists attack the elderly, menopausal women and children? Why do men get raped? What of those women killed by rapists - they will never give birth. The researchers are incredibly ignorant about what happens during a rape. Some men do not ejaculate during rape and so do not deposit their semen inside the woman. This suggests that whatever is driving him to rape is not sexual arousal. Others ejaculate outside the woman. The claim that rapists are predominantly poor young men is also open to question. Certainly many young men convicted of rape are poor. Their convictions are more the result of their being unable to afford expensive lawyers who specialize in defending those accused of rape, than their greater. One of the rapists explained his personal reasons for such a behavior: "I was a comrade before. Then we were no longer given political tasks. Most of the tasks were given to senior people. I felt that we have been used by these senior comrades because I do not understand why they dumped us like this. Myself and six other guys decided to form our own organization that will keep these senior comrades busy all the time. We formed the South African Rapist Association (Sara). We rape women who need to be disciplined. They do not want to talk to most people. They think they know better than most of us and when we struggle, they do not want to join us" As the researches show there are lots of motives that result in raping and it creates definite and clear patterns of attacks. Every attack has its own patterns that depend on the motives of the rapist and the patterns of rape mainly include such kinds of rape as anger rape, power rape and sadistic rape. The article Patterns of Rape gives the full description of the most spread reasons for rape and gives the covering statistics to their distribution. Anger rape takes the second among the patterns of rape that happen nationwide (nearly 40 percent of all the cases). Anger rape is characterized by physical cruelty that is used by a rapist to Make his victim obey him. The offender experiences rage and anger and tries to express it on the victim in both ways physically and verbally during the act of attack. It can be expressed through his nasty and abusive manner of speaking. For such people anger rape is a means of offence, which they can commit against their victim. Those people cannot control themselves often when they experience anger and for them the weapon is sex and violence and the basic motive for such acts is revenge. The main purpose of the power rape is to gain control over the victim, not necessarily to make harm to the victim. The sexuality that a rapist feels is way to compensate his issues of mastery, control, strength and authority. Power rapists mostly give emphasis to verbal threats to the victim and just use the amount of power necessary to control the victim and to subdue the victim, not more. Its is considered that power rapes take the leading place in the statistics and cover nearly fifty five percent of all the cases countrywide. Power rapists have diverse fantasies about the sexual conquests and the rape itself. They mostly believe that their victim enjoys the rape even though that the victim can resists to have a sexual intercourse. It often happens that power rapists are convinced about the sexual pleasure got by their victims and can even ask their victims for a date later. Power rapists, are often sure about nothing wrong with their behavior, they may think it to be normal and as the result they can commit a number of rapes in a short period of time with different victims. The most rare type of rape and the one that will most likely cause death to victim is sadistic rape. Committing a sadistic rape, rapists get errection through brutal aggression, demonstration of anger and power to the victim. Sadistic rape is a result of 5 percent of all rapes countrywide. It often involves tortures and restrains and can even be some type of ritual or can have other violent and bizarre qualities. The injures that a rapist makes to victim are mainly focused on her sexual parts of the body, also rapists of this kind use foreign objects for penetration into victims body. The sadistic rapes are well planned and prepared. The rapist can have the idea of raping for quite a period of time making a full preparation for his future actions. The potential victims of the sadistic rape are often prostitutes as well as other women who dress very expressively. It often happens that victims do not survive after being raped and sometimes rapists get a further satisfaction by murdering the victim. Male rape has become of the urgent topic nowadays and it involves the events that happen not only prisons but in daily normal life as well: Many people believe that the majority of male rape occurs in prison; however, there is existing research which shatters this myth. A study of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male rape victims in Tennessee concluded that the similarities between these two groups would suggest that the sexual assault of men may not be due to conditions unique to a prison and that all men are potential victims (Lipscomb, Gary H. et al. (1992). "Male Victims of Sexual Assault." Journal of the American Medical Association, 267(22): 3064 - 3066.). Research indicates that the most common sites for male rape involving post-puberty victims are outdoors in remote areas and in automobiles (the latter usually involving hitchhikers). Boys in their early and mid-teens are more likely to be victimized than older males (studies indicate a median victim age of 17). The form of assault usually involves penetration of the victim anally and/or orally, rather than stimulation of the victim's penis. Gang rape is more common in cases involving male victims than those involving female victims. Also, multiple sexual acts are more likely to be demanded, weapons are more likely to be displayed and used, and physical injury is more likely to occur, with the injuries that do occur being more serious than with injured female rape victims. Besides rape violence that is usual among the adult, there exist a social problem of child molestation that is being widely discussed nowadays. Child molestation is a more serious problem from many perspectives than rape violence of adults. Because of the forming psychics of the child or a teenager molestation can result a deeper negative impact on his inner world and relations with the society than rape of an adult. An adult has more options to cope with any difficult situation, because of the previous life experience, while a child is not. The problems caused by rape and molestation in the younger age, can be the reasons of difficulties in sexual life in future and fear before the private relations, marriage and having children. Its a big trauma for childs personality, because nearly in all the cases the child keeps the truth about being molested inside of himself and very rare tells it to parents or other adults. Its basically because of the fears to be understood wrong, to be punished and judged. Its also believed that children who experience molestation are more likely to perceive sexual and private relations in abnormal form that can also cause psychological abnormalities and issues that will prevent a person from living a healthy and full life. It has been argued for a long time that homosexuals are more likely be involved in child molestation. But the statistics that is given by different sources is very controversial: Ann Landers says the statement "Homosexuals are more inclined to molest children sexually than heterosexuals" is false. The American Psychological Association has sponsored a work that asserts: "Recognized researchers in the field on child abuse... almost unanimously concur that homosexual people are actually less likely to approach children sexually." The report provided in the article Child Molestation and Homosexuality by Paul Cameron gives the following data: In 1983, a survey of the sexual experiences of 4,340 questioned adults from 5 different U.S. cities reported that about 3% of men and 7% of women had sexual contact with a man before they were 13 (i.e., 30% was homosexual). The survey of 3,132 adults, made in the year of 1983 in Los Angeles reported that 3.8% of men and 6.8% of women had been sexually assaulted while been kids. The survey reported that 93% of the assailants were male, and just 1% of girls had been assaulted by females. Also the report told that nearly 35% of the assaults were caused by homosexuals. The survey made Los Angeles Times in 1985 across the United States, quested nearly 2,700 adults about molestation cases that could take place in their life. Twenty seven percent of women and sixteen percent of man respectively said that they have been sexually molested. Since ninety three percent of boys and seven percent of girls were molested by the same sex adult molesters the survey calculated that 40 percent from the whole number of molestation cases was committed by homosexuals. In the recent survey made in the UK among the 15-19 year old teenagers, thirty five percent of boys and nine percent of girls confessed to have been bended for sexual contact by adult homosexuals, and two percent of boys and one percent of girls respectively, had sexual contact. The publication on the following theme made in 1980s also gave the evidence that from twenty five to forty percent of the cases of child molestation were homosexual acts. Besides the statistics of the molestation victims the article gives the following data about the number of homosexuals who admitted to have committed child molestation: The survey made in 1948 reported that thirty seven percent of gays and about two percent of lesbians agreed about having sexual contacts with teenagers who were under 17, and in addition twenty eight percent of gays and one percent of lesbians admitted that they had sex with underage partners while they themselves were eighteen or older. From the 565 gays, that answered to the survey made by Kinsey Institute in 1970 in San Francisco, 25 percent agreed to have sex with boys who were sixteen or younger when they themselves were older than twenty one. The Gay report gives nearly the same data: 23 percent of gays and 6 of lesbians had sexual relations with teens who were younger than sixteen. Susan Maree Jevons gives the following descriptions of the potential molester in her article Profile of a serial child molester: Child molester is more likely to: Have been abused as children themselves Be Sexually attracted to children (most can't or won't resist these urges) Find positions where children are available (leader of children's clubs, ministries, etc., coaches, camp counselors & chaperones, daycare centers, school positions, offers to babysit for friends & family, etc.) Seem to love children, children seem drawn to person Seek out women with children (or friends with children) Spend a lot of time with a child (not their own) Seem rigid, moral, a pillar of the community (too often accusations of abuse have not been believed because the person seemed to be too good, too outstanding to do such a thing Groom a child--create a special bond (this may involve giving child gifts, money, or even alcohol, or other 'forbidden' things that make it appear he is a special friend and creates atmosphere for secret keeping. Could also include playfully touching, tickling, etc., but moves toward inappropriate touch) Be an authoritarian or timid and unassertive Frequent places like video arcades Be addicted to child pornography Be uncomfortable in adult relationships (i.e., doesn't relate well, insecure) Have symptoms and after-effects of a survivor Deny or rationalize their behavior Be Manipulative Befriend single mothers in order to get to the children. They prey on the desperation of the woman who has no support system. They often sleep with the mother "Roughhouse" with children--tickling, slapping buttocks, etc.--and use this playful guise when they are in fact touching inappropriately Calling young teenage girls "sexy" or making other sexually suggestive comments ( available on web: The basic problem of the modern society is that there is no obvious solution for the problem of rape cases. Rape and molestation cannot be totally prevented, but still much can be done to avoid some potential cases. As the psychologists tell woman have not to wear sexually attractive clothes, as well as to provoke men by their behavior. There is a lot that can be done to prevent child molestation. Basically the people who are involved in childcare and education have to be carefully examined by the psychologists and other specialists in order to reduce existing risks of molestation. Its important as well to include new trends in to education so that the children will be taught that its OK to talk about these issues with parents and/or school authorities. The best way to escape potential rape is to act reasonably to the situation and to never provoke violent behavior from the side of the potential rapist on purpose. Reference list: Vevett, Lisa Why men rape, Article Patterns of Rape, Article Male rape Information sheet, Rape Crisis center of Catawba county Sexual Molestation Causes, Consequences Protect Your Children from Molestation & Abduction, Article Jevons, Susan Maree Profile of a serial child molester, Article Basic Facts about Rape & Sexual Assault, Article, Georgia network to end sexual assault

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Relationship Between Stress and Smiling

Relationship Between Stress and Smiling Free Online Research Papers Investigation 1 hypothesis: In the present study I wanted to test the relationship between stress and the number of smiles because, based on what we learned in class, I expect there to be negative correlation between the variables. I predict that, as stress increases the number of smiles I give will decrease because in chapter 1 it gives the example of a student who studies more will decrease in parting with friends. See figure 1 for a scatter plot of these two variables. Investigation 1 results: according to the scatter plot, the variables seem to be negative though strongly correlated. It appears that stress and smiles (given) are related. This may be due to a number of factors, like I recorded my variables at the same exact time each class period (11:20a.m.), making sure I had a consistent recording time that did not affect my variables. Investigation 1 discussion: The results suggest a negative relationship between the variables of interest. This was stronger than expected and could be because of the consistent time recording my variables and setting a phone alarm to make sure I recorded at that exact time. As a person with respect to the variables is why I may have a stronger correlation compared to someone who does not respect the variables. Some may say that due to my irregular sleep may case for my stress to differ therefore change my smile (given) variable. Overall, I believe there is a negative correlation between these variables for most people, and while it did show up for me, my consistency in recording as well as keeping track of my personal variable strengthen the relationship for me. Investigation 2 hypothesis: For my second investigation, I predict a positive correlation between variables: sleep and mood. As I get more sleep each night, my mood improves tremendously. In class we discussed the relationship between getting proper sleep and overall well being. When you are well rested you have a tendency to be in a better mood and have a better day. The better I sleep, the more attentive I am in class and less easily irritated I am. Also, we talked about how sleep can give you more energy inter having a better mood. See Figure 2 for a scatter-plot of these variables. Investigation 2 results: According to the scatter-plot, my hypothesis appears to have been supported. The variables are closely linked and travel in a positive direction. As my hours of sleep increase, my mood improves. When I get fewer hours of sleep, my mood scores are lower. Investigation 2 discussion: I expected this relationship, and I believe it is true of most people, not just me. Sleep helps you to have more energy and relax, which improves your mood. I was very consistent in recording my variables, which caused this relationship to be strong on the chart. However, because the relationship was expected and is probably true to most people, I do consider this a great concern because more people would get more done on the job and in school. It is interesting to examine variables that exist within me and see that they are related in some meaningful way. Research Papers on Relationship Between Stress and SmilingResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Fifth HorsemanThree Concepts of PsychodynamicComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journal Assignment for documents and videos Essay

Journal Assignment for documents and videos - Essay Example At one vantage point, books are typical form of secondary source. Mostly scholars use primary sources material to make secondary sources for example letters and diaries to write books. It is also easy to determine whether a book functions as a primary source in case of published memoirs, autobiographies, and published documents. Also use of video in class, where the students to can see clearly charts, tables or concept maps are the most significant areas where students can find key ideas and relationship among ideas. In museum graphics organizer are there so that students can answer most historical questions, write connections, and relate to particular observation to larger concepts. Videos also help students to compare and contrast, a strategy that help analyze similarities and differences, this can be applied to in museum exhibitions and resources too. Forms film give the students a tangible feel of what people felt and how things were happening that time. Those videos show clarity to what may seem random happening. Examples of primary source include constitution, pamphlet, treaty, a law, and city council proceedings in political history. In cultural history, we have Novel, dance, music oral traditions, key religious work, and training manual for new converts, visual art, costume, and religious tract. Also in social history, we have Lyrics such as protest songs, laws, college catalogues for curriculum and types of students, letters, biographies, and news reports. According to economic history, primary sources are tax filing, will, and foreclosure records, patent applications Business ledger and contract placards. In military history it includes, map, soldier diary, weaponry, uniform and strategic and tactical plans. Court transcript, judicial ruling, parole officer report, police report in legal history and A law, constitution, pamphlet, treaty, city council proceedings finally in political science. Handling of selected primary documents. Identifying primary sources and using them requires a careful thought and some extra knowledge. Primary sources increase questions, may be among them: primary source is what? What is the level of history in these primary sources among others? They stand for range of concerns from vital studying skills to the nature and historical knowledge. There basic questions we must know their answers so that we can identify source of primary data: 1. Is the source is self-published? 2. What is the level of history does the source belong? 3. Is the source independent? 4. Where did the document originate? 5. The limitations present in the document. 6. Why is the document there? 7. How reliable the document is? All above will determine how we handle our primary document, which are useful in working definitions about historical sources and practical tips for reading primary documents. The theory of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources came from academic discipline of historiography. It gave historians away to indi cate how related was the piece of information to real events . It is vital that the concept is with actions of events but not ideas or theoretical aspects. A primary source has about same time of event, despite the source of contents. Therefore, when a dictionary is a tertiary source, an ancient one is the primary source because it has the meaning of words in ancient world. There is no quaternary source; the sources may be primary, secondar

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Solar thermal heating systems for domestic use in the uk Dissertation

Solar thermal heating systems for domestic use in the uk - Dissertation Example In the case that solar power is useful in the United Kingdom, the cost of the installation will be put into context with the theoretical energy savings using the information from one British household. This information will be applied to thermal heating systems for use in central heating. In many countries, full solar electricity systems are not viable. In these cases, solar energy can still be utilised to lower the dependence on fossil fuels, and can be transformed into central heating or hot water. These systems do not generally rely on photovoltaic plates to convert the energy, as these are particularly expensive, but instead use one of two main systems: direct or indirect. These systems were tested in the course of this paper and were both found to be cost-effective and viable for the house in question in the United Kingdom. This was compared with the results from using photovoltaic plates to provide electricity to show the difference in benefits gained in the UK. Introduction So lar Power Solar power is one of the most popular renewable energy technologies available (Tiwari, 2002) and is gaining appreciation due to the increasing amount of emphasis on fossil fuels and how they affect the environment. Solar power relies on converting solar energy to usable fuel energy (Larson & West, 1996) generally for electricity. Solar power generally relies on the use of photovoltaic plates, which are essentially cells containing some photovoltaic material which can capture light from the sun and turn it into electricity. They rely on the photoelectric effect. Photovoltaic plates are generally made from silicon (DeWinter, 1990). Solar energy can be directed onto these plates at a greater intensity by using mirrors or lenses to reflect the sunlight onto them. Tracking devices can also be used. In this case, the photovoltaic plates are attached to a sensor mechanism, and can be moved automatically to face the direction in which they will capture most solar energy (Tiwari, 2002). One of the main problems with solar power is that it can only be used during sunlight, meaning that at night time or during dark weather there is no electricity from this method (Tiwari, 2002). To get around this, sunlight should be stored during peak hours for use at later points. There are many storage mechanisms available. One of these is the use of molten salts to store energy at high temperatures. These are a favoured storage type because they are low cost and have a high specific heat capacity (DeWinter, 1990). Another way of storing solar energy is to use rechargeable batteries. These must be of considerable size for use in public solar energy plants. Battery storage can also be used by people with domestic solar energy sources, and a measuring system is available that gives credit to homeowners that supply their excess electricity (Tiwari, 2002). The energy can also be stored in water using a hydroelectricity technique. A final method of storing energy is artificial p hotosynthesis, which relies on nanotechnology to stored the energy in chemical bonds, which can be broken to release the energy again. There are some new sources of solar energy that are being considered, although these are generally not applicable to domestic systems. One suggestion is that solar energy be captured in space. This has the benefit of not using any habitable land and does

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Parthenon.-history background and architectural structure Essay

The Parthenon.-history background and architectural structure - Essay Example Built circa 477 to 438 B.C.E., the Parthenon has come to stand for the ideals of the ancient Greek civilization. Despite is fame, there is only one brief description of the Parthenon, written by a Greek speaker named Pausanias, that has come down through the generations from the ancient period itself, although well after 600 years. The main focus of this short account was of the phenomenal statue of Athena, made of an overlay of gold and silver over a wooden frame (Beard, 2002, p. 25). The Parthenon is known as the â€Å"twenty-second wonder of the world† (Bipu, 2009). Through Greek-engineered techniques and currently-available masonry, the great architects of the Greek Empire have demonstrated marvelous feats of mounting stone cut figures into fully-formed foundations and architecturally-aesthetic amenities. It has been described as the primary wonder which resembles the aspects of science, art, and democracy. â€Å"It stands at 19.8 meters (65 feet) high inclusive of the su perstructure and three steps acting as the base. Each step is also of distinct from one another: the lowest step, the stereobate, is at a length 72.5 meters (238 feet) by width 33.8 meters (111 feet); the stylobate (top step) is at length 68.5 meters (228 feet) by width 30.8 meters (101 feet)† (Fletcher, 112). The superstructure itself consists of colonnades resembling the Doric style in the peristyle formation. The total number of columns results in 46 columns which are 10.4 meters (34 feet) in height, with the largest diameter at 1.8 meters (6 feet). The average spacing between the ends of each column is 2.4 meters (8 feet) while those in the porticos of the Parthenon are reduced to a diameter of 1.7 meters (5 ? feet). The column system applied to its Doric colonnade follows an optical illusion technique known as the entasis, which makes use of varying intervals in order to provide a logical symmetry to the building’s exterior (Lambrinou, 2010). The main openings of t he Parthenon lie in the porticos through the east – west orientation axis. Their entry doors are measured 7.3 meters (24 feet) high, 2.1. meters (7 feet) wide and 31 centimetres (1 foot) long.† (Matthews, 2011.). The rooms are clearly defined as the Parthenon is a place of divine worship for the highest among the Greek gods. The temple primarily devotes worship to the goddess Athena Parthenos, who is significant as the deity of the city-state. The interior of the temple had been highly-decorated with sculptures of mythological heroes, both mortal and immortal, of the Greek era, while the exterior mouldings within the pediment symbolize significant events of both historical and mythological accounts. These also utilized indispensable cornerstones to an advantage, portraying the complex according to the flourishing lifestyle typical of the ancient Athenians. Through its geography, they have mastered the art of seemed proportions regardless of the uneven terrain of the Acr opolis. Its colonnade arrangement suggested masculinity conveyed in the hard, stable form of the columns and straight figures, embodying both the stability of the foundation and the artistic nature of the structure (Matthews, 2011). â€Å"Designed by Greek masons Ictinus, Callicrates and Phidias,† (Matthews, 2011) the Parthenon was meant to withstand the harsh climatic effects of Mediterranean wind storms and heat waves. Because of this, the colonnade and portico assembly had been made by the designers. However, the presence of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Availability of Tescos Fresh Vegetables Supply Chain

Availability of Tescos Fresh Vegetables Supply Chain 1. Introduction Supply chain which now is recognized as a typical complicated network is formed by a vast number of suppliers and subcontractors (Derek L. Waller, 2003). They transport product to consumer through value-add processes in attempt to create superior customer value (Martin Christopher, 2005). There are three interdependent flow streams (Derek L. Waller, 2003) involved in supply chain to guarantee its functions running well. Material flow stream which stars from the upstream supplier to final consumer takes a responsibility of conveying finished goods from raw materials to finished goods. Therefore, it is the most crucial element in supply chain. Another one is information flow stream which is a two-way flow stream. High efficient supply chain is based on the fluent interchange of information. The better communication, the better collaboration and the faster responses supply chain has. For example, suppliers could satisfy their changeable customers quickly with the help of timely and accu rate information about demand. The third one is financial flow stream of which direction is opposite to material flow. It plays like a carrier of profit to stimulate everyone in supply chain performs better. Besides, a well-run financial flow reduces the risks in account receivable, consequently, increase reliable in relationship between supplier and subcontractor. (Warren H. Hausman, no date). Supply chain place a significant position in developing organization itself and enhanced its market reputation. It helps company provide right product at right time in right place and response change quickly. Tesco and Marks Spenser, who have 2282(2009) and over 600 stores (2009) respectively around UK are two of the most popular retailers. They compete advantageously on field of fresh vegetables sector through providing convenient, safety and low price goods. Traditional farm markets and vegetable stores which can be found everywhere in past time now have nearly been replaced by various supermarkets. Tesco, the British retail giant, occupies an significant role in grocery market in the UK. It was the 56th in fortune 500 list of 2009, according to 94,300.4 million revenue (Fortune, 2009). Taylor Nelson Sofres World Panel market share data (2009) stated that Tesco’s market share in grocery increasing to 30.7% in November, 2009. Fresh food, such as vegetables, meat, fruit, because of it’s highly amount of consumption every day plays an increasing contribution in supermarket profit. Discussing the prime reasons what cause fresh food shortage on shelves is valuable because reta ilers only can create profit when their product are consumed by customers (Ronald H. Ballou, 2004). What’s more, it is easy to be annoyed that a customer come into a supermarket and found what he/she wants is empty. Whatever the customer choose to buy another replaceable product (supermarket still earn profit) or to go to another shop which can meet their demand well (supermarket lost profit), his/her loyalty would be damaged. Such decrease of loyalty is a great uncountable loss for supermarket. 2. Data collection This research was carried out on the 07, November, 2009 by visiting Tesco. Data was recorded at two different times during that day. What are organized in the following tables are the running-out items we collected at half past one and at a quarter to four in Tesco. It aims to study the on-shelf unavailability as well as the efficiency of replenishment on sector of vegetable in Tesco. Table 1 collected at half past one Item name price status promotion Asparagus Large Bundle ï ¿ ¡3 Contemporary out of stock  Ã‚   N T. Organic Asparagus Bundle 200g ï ¿ ¡1.99 Contemporary out of stock N Tesco Casserole Vegetables 450g ï ¿ ¡1.5 Contemporary out of stock N Tesco Spinach 260g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock N Market Value Broccoli catchweight ï ¿ ¡1.48/kg unavailable N Leeks Loose Class II ï ¿ ¡1.98/kg unavailable N Runner Beans 225g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock Save 50p Tesco Hand Shelled Garden Peas 120g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock 3 forï ¿ ¡2.5 Tesco Butternut Wedges 150g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock 3 forï ¿ ¡2.5 Table 2 collected at a quarter to four Item name price Status promotion Celery Each ï ¿ ¡0.78 unavailable N Tesco Lancashire Round Lettuce ï ¿ ¡0.50 unavailable N Broccoli 335g ï ¿ ¡0.50 unavailable N Market Value Broccoli Catchweight ï ¿ ¡1.48/kg Contemporary out of stock N Tesco Spinach 260g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock N Tesco Winter Vegetable 250g ï ¿ ¡1.5 Contemporary out of stock N Tesco casserole Vegetables 450g ï ¿ ¡1.5 Contemporary out of stock N T.Organic Asparagus Bundle 200g ï ¿ ¡1.99 Contemporary out of stock N Asparagus Large Bundle ï ¿ ¡3 Contemporary out of stock N Runner Beans 225g ï ¿ ¡1 unavailable Save 50p Tesco Bean Sprouts 335g ï ¿ ¡0.48 unavailable N Tesco Finest Tender stem Broccoli 200g ï ¿ ¡1.25 unavailable N Tesco Butternut Wedges 150g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock 3 forï ¿ ¡2.5 Tesco Hand Shelled Garden Peas 120g ï ¿ ¡1 Contemporary out of stock 3 forï ¿ ¡2.5 Chicory 180g ï ¿ ¡1 unavailable N According to these two tables, it can be seen clearly that status of contemporary on-shelf unavailable items are classified as ‘unavailable’ and ‘contemporary out of stock’. Such classification is on the basis of fact found in Tesco. In Tesco, some of the labels of empty shelves are informed ‘contemporary out of stock’ with a little red card while the rest which are represented as ‘unavailable’ in tables are without any explanation. Compared these two tables, except Market Value Broccoli Catchweight and Runner Beans (225g), items are shown ‘unavailable’ in table one disappear in table two. That refers to they were replenished during two hours. Market Value Broccoli Catchweight was checked the inventory and labeled signal of stock-out after 2 hours. The most standing out items in tables 2 is Runner Beans (225g) which is still as the same ‘unavailable’ status as in table 1. Without considered human’s e rror, it might be attributed to that these items sold out again after it was replenished. Because these data was not recorded for a series time, they may be limited for appreciating the efficiency of on-shelf replenishment in Tesco. It is possible that Tesco check its inventory once five hours and we just record for the last two hours by chance. However, the Runner Beans empty again and there was no stuff working for replenishment when we were collecting data evidence to a certain extent that Tesco does not realize up-to-date on-shelf replenishment. 3. Comparisons with Marks Spenser Marks Spencer (M S), which has been grown for more than 100 years, performs well to satisfy the British middle class with high quality service as well as reasonable price. Because of reliable reputation in marketplace, M S asserts as one of the stronger competitors to Tesco. The following data is what collected on the same day at 2.02 in attempt to compare what are differences in on-shelf availability between Tesco and M S. Table 3 collected at two o’clock Item name price status promotion Chopped Tomatoes 400g ï ¿ ¡0.59 unavailable N Miniature New Potatoes 500g ï ¿ ¡1.99 unavailable N Chopin Jacket Potatoes 700g ï ¿ ¡1.69 unavailable N 4 Jacket potatoes 800g ï ¿ ¡1.49 unavailable N Peas 400g ï ¿ ¡1.99 unavailable 3 forï ¿ ¡5 Young Garden Peas 170g ï ¿ ¡1.69 unavailable N Peas sweet corn and broccoli layer 360g ï ¿ ¡1.69 unavailable 2 forï ¿ ¡3 Classic Layered Vegetables 320g ï ¿ ¡1.99 unavailable 2 forï ¿ ¡3 Carrot, Cauliflower and sprouts 400g ï ¿ ¡1 unavailable Half price Sweetheart Cabbage Chard Medley 160g ï ¿ ¡1.8 unavailable 2 forï ¿ ¡3 Sea salt and peper new potatoes385g ï ¿ ¡o.89 unavailable N As what was seen in M S, all the on-shelf unavailable items were not be labeled out of stock marks. It is difficult to identify if they are out of stock or just contemporary unavailable. Based on the performances on shelves, MS had serious shortage in potato while there was sufficient storage in Tesco. However, those contemporary out of stock items in Tesco such as asparagus, broccoli, and runner beans are available in M S. The obvious difference between Tesco and M S is that there are staffs to replenish to shelves continually when I was recording data in MS. Something in table 3 was available just after recording time 10 minutes, which refers to a certain extent that shelf replenishment in M S is better than Tesco. 4. Problems in supply chain The direct reasons which take account of shortage represented on shelves can be divided simply into two types. One owes to the out-of-time delivery between warehouse and shelves. Another one is because of the out of stock in warehouse. Customers only purchase goods which are displayed on shelves but which stay in warehouse or are out of stock. Whatever which reason, it results to a loss of supermarket’s reputation and sales. It is necessary to study the problems existing in supply chain, which cause on-shelf unavailability in Tesco. Supply chain is responsible significantly to address stockouts. Not only does an efficient supply chain help Tesco to reduce costs of warehouse and of purchasing through faster goods turnover but also attract customers by providing high quality service through satisfying them at any given time. In angle of supply chain, these problems might be found in retailer (Tesco) itself, in suppliers as well as between them. 4.1. Tesco departments Specifically, the problems which influence availability on shelves when there are goods in store are possibly attributed to unclear division of labor or lack of shelves management even inefficient inventory control within supermarket. Indeed, advanced stock control technology like Point of Sale (POS) and modem management software enable to trace real time selling quantity and maintain stock level automatically. However, if the up-to-date data is generated without arising notice and being responded quickly, it is still useless. Take an example to explain matters of collaboration between departments. Supposed one type of item on shelves are running out and computer system reminder to replenish. Definitely it is time to delivery goods to shelves at once. However, selling department does not notice unavailability of goods on shelf or even just play Ping-Pong (Richard Bell, 2004) with stock department when it received the restoring requirement. Selling staff carry out nothing except waiti ng for the stock department to solve the problem while the later one are considering that selling department should take responsibility of replenishment. As the time pass, because of on-shelf shortage, customer lose. In addition, lack of shelf management also causes ‘stockouts’. What is common to be seen in TESCO is that different items on shelves are mixed together or that one type of item is displayed at different places. Customers are difficult to find what they want exactly in such disorder display. It is quite often that goods considered unavailable is actually hidden by other goods or is exhibited at another place. In addition, the unbalancing allocation of on-shelf space is another typical reason of emptying shelf in Tesco. On the same shelf, some are running out easily while others are excess. Inadequate shelf space of fast sellers increases the frequency of replenishment and risk of empty shelf. 4.2. Inventory management 4.2.1. Inventory control The problem may exist in Tesco inventory control if stockouts happens in warehouse. There is no doubt that shelf time of fresh vegetable is extremely shorter than other regular product. Fresh vegetables attract customers to purchase on the basis of high quality physical appearances and short best-used date because these two factors can transfer information that foods are fresh and without any artificial additives (Derek L. Waller, 2003). These two safety signals are what customers concern when they are purchasing. In the case of that, supermarkets try to keep the minimum inventory of fresh food as possible. Both supplier and retailer tend to make this type of goods turnover through the supply chain quickly. On one hand, minimum inventory level is helpful to decrease the wastage costs because it reduces the risk of perishing. The less fresh food are storied in the warehouse, the more possible to sell them out before the best display day. On the other hand, minimum inventory is likely to increase the rate of contemporary out of stock. Guiding by minimum inventory management, retailer tend to reduce the amount of reorder point. It means lessen the goods which are used to maintain sales during delivery lead time. When market demand exceeds what is forecasted, the probability of stockouts increases. Goods are easy to be sold out during a short time if there is not enough storage available in warehouse. For example, supposed Tesco decreased the reorder point from 7 to 4 and safety inventory maintain 3. The delivery lead time is 3 days. Both these two levels of stock can afford if the actual sales number is 2 per day on average during delivery period. However, if the market demand increase to 3 per day actually, the lower stock level will lead to out of stock. 4.2.2. Inventory order Forecasting An inaccurate forecast result into a wrong ordering requirement directly. It is another possible reason of stockouts. Because of impossible to capture future real selling data, all the inventory order are estimated on the basis of forecasting future market demand. Undoubtedly, a pessimistic forecast quite probably results in stockouts. This mainly causes by that forecasting pessimistically is likely lower than what occurs actually. As the retailer seeks to minimize cost in a forecasted difficult market conditions, they try to reduce inventory order quantity. While the actual demand is much higher than what ordered even stock can not afford during delivery lead time, stockouts occurs. What’s more, forecasting inventory order point is a sophisticated means which requires taking into account market demand trend, financial flow, lead time, and storage turnover etc. Under certain curriculums, it is difficulty to make sure that every element involved is as expected. For example, bef ore Christmas day, an optimistic forecasting market demand of tomato sales in Tesco during that period is 300per day, and a pessimistic predicted market demand is 150 per day. However, the actual demand is 500 per day which is much higher than what forecasted both optimistically and pessimistically. Supposed the delivery lead time is one day, reorder point is 300 and safety inventory is 100. Tomato is going to be out of stock whatever it is optimistic or pessimistic forecast. Information transportation Roland Vaxelaire, the president and CEO of Carrefour Belgium maitained that almost 80 percent of these problems are driven from the matters in transportation of information such as delayed, inaccurate, and irrelevant, (Richard Bell, 2004) which also could make goods out of stock. Take information transformation delayed as an example. An excess order requirement for promotion was send from retailer to its supplier too late. It is likely that supplier could not prepare enough goods at given time. If customers’ demand exceed the total that rest in warehouse, goods will be contemporary out to sock. 4.3. Supplier The next reason of stockouts that bear in mind is supplier’s own problems such as delivering delayed or delivering less than what ordered or even delivering wrong goods. These mistakes might be driven from accident like strike or vegetables sick or poor management in supplier’s organization such as inefficient working and dispatching order to a wrong object. All of these could leave supermarkets empty because retailers have not enough good to replenish for continuing sale. In addition, what make empty in warehouse may owe to the inharmonic relationship between retailer and supplier. It is common that a company plays as a supplier to several retailers like TESCO and ASDA at the same time. If the fresh food is limited, supplier is probably to fulfill it customer (assumed it is ASDA) who is more important and closer at first. In that case, Tesco will be out of stock. Additionally, Grocery is a kind of price-sensitive goods (Marshall L. Fisher, 1997) which is usually appli ed price promotion to stimulate sales by retailer. In attempt to ensure the profit and develop market at a lower price, retailer always tries to slash the purchase price of fresh foods. What they do like that is adverse to corporation with supplier. If the disagreement is too serious to be overcome, supplier will stop to proving goods. That is why poor relationship with supplier is risky to be out of stock. 5. Solution 5.1. Optimize internal management On-shelf availability is a crucial standard of evaluating customer service and working efficiency of a supermarket. According to passage of stockouts causes walkouts (2004), 21% to 43% customers turn to other shops for purchasing when they are facing stockouts (Daniel Corsten Thomas Gruen, 2004). Tesco will lose profit because of their customer leaving with empty hand. In groceries sector, TESCO has been witnessed its lack of supply chain efficiency and response. The possible problems what mentioned above absolutely result in obvious on-shelf unavailability of fresh vegetables. For beating these drawback, there are a vast of measures must be carried out by TSCO to integrate its supply chain so that minimize costs and qualify services. It is necessary for TESCO to clear division of labor between departments to avoid confusing of responsibility. It must be made clearly that if the product is in store but out of stock on the shelves, which apartment and who should take responsibility on it. If possible, TESCO had better to appoint someone who might be the manager of selling department or of store department to manage delivering goods to shelves. In addition, Tesco should reorganize the allocation of shelf. Fast selling items which are easy to be running out should allocate more space than unpopular goods. In that case, fast sellers do not need to replenish on shelves frequently. This approach is useful to save the cost of replenishing staff and improve the on-shelf ability of popular fresh foods. 5.2. Reorganize inventory control Along with growing attention to freshness and healthy of food, retailers are facing challenges to implement smaller order, faster inventory turnover and increasing delivery frequencies on fresh food inventory control(Derek L. Waller, 2003). For lessen stock out in warehouse as well as satisfy new attitude trend to fresh food, Tesco must rearrange its fresh food storage and optimize inventory control computer system. What need to do principally is to understand what customers want most. Assistant with the point of sale system, up-to-date sales data is accessible. It enables to capture customers’ preference. For the requirement of faster inventory turnover, improve sophisticated inventory data collect system is necessary. This system is use to calculate the stock level and replenishment status at any given time. Secondly, it is to reclassify inventory according to ABC analysis. ABC classification is an approach which is basis on the 80/20 rule. It was developed by H Ford Dickey in 1951. ((Derek L. Waller, 2003) Customer’s preference changes from period to period. Tesco should update its inventory control policy according to these changes. Guided by ABC analysis, class A which take account into 80% value of inventory is treated as the most notable part to manage, although it only occupy 20% of amount of inventory. Both fast sellers and class A need to apply ordering method as fixed ordering quantity (Economic Order Quantity). While their inventory quantity reducing to an estimated level (reorder point), inventory control system will send the order requirement to supplier automatically. The rest inventory which are classified as class B and class C are the less important ones. Most of them could implement ordering method call Economic Order Period (EOP). This approach orders at fixed ti me period. This method requires checking inventory quantity during a fixed time and then generating order to replenish inventory to an estimated fixed max stock level. ABC classification ensures Tesco emphasize on maintaining inventory level of items which are the most crucial and valuable. Tesco could reduce the cost as well as resources by cutting unnecessary inventory down. Also, this approach focuses on minimize the risk of empty in biggest contribution goods and of what customers concern. It is useful to avoid wastage costs and improve customer service. 5.3. Making forecast precise Because of the point of sale system, collecting of real-time update selling data is realized. What Tesco need to do is to forecast market demand on the basis of actual selling trends more accurate. To develop an algorithm computer system make an exacter forecast possible. In addition, in order to take into account influence of special situation, before the orders being sent to supplier, stock manager have the right to modify it according to promotion decision and other extra information like special requirement for specific holiday. 5.4. Integration of information and of suppliers It is suggested that Tesco develop a type of reliable win-win relationship model with suppliers. Tesco could contract a long-term relationship with several reliable suppliers to take responsibility of different vegetables. Under such long-term partner ship, suppliers benefit from consistent orders and exact market analysis. They do not need to worry about sales of their goods and promotion of pending out-of-date goods because of capturing exact selling data from their long-term customer-Tesco. With the help of EDI system and standard barcode (Penelope Ody and Sue Newman, 1991), Tesco could communicate its suppliers with networking their computer. All of reliable suppliers allow accessing to Tesco’s inventory control system freely. To develop a Vendor Manage Inventory system (VMI) stimulate suppliers replenish initiatively and frequently so that realize continuous replenishment. However, Tesco need to pay attention on reducing costs of continuous logistics. It is practical to i mplement that transporting vegetables together with other ordered items so that Tesco also could obtain economies of scale while frequency of transportation increases. 6. Conclusion Customers always expect to buy whatever whenever. Every sections involved in supply chain is take a responsibility of optimizing it. Stockouts of vegetables in Tesco can be caused due to problems of Tesco itself like out of time on-shelf delivery, wrong forecasting future market demand and delayed or inadequate ordering. Otherwise it could be attributed to suppliers such as too late and too little delivering or an unreliable relationship between supplier and Tesco. It is possible to minimize these problems through integrating supply chain. Tesco need to clear its departments’ own responsibility, reorder goods displayer and optimize the utilization of shelf space. What’s more, based on the POS system, it should improve platform of sharing selling information and up-to-date changes of inventory with its suppliers so that supplier could look after the inventory level and plan to replenishment initiatively. Together with Tesco and supplier’s effort, the whole supply chain could response changes quickly and efficiently. It enables to realize Continuous Replenishment Practice (CRP) to fulfill the customers’ daily demand of fresh vegetables. Because increasing logistics cost of continuous replenishment could be offset by the reducing storage cost, Tesco could increase its availability as well as customer service at a lower costs. References Ballou, R. H. (2004). Business Logistics/ Supply Chain Management. America: Pearson Education, Inc. Bell, R. (2004). Retailer Strategy. Burlington: Templeton College. Corsten, D. Gruen,T. (2004). Stock-Outs Cause Walkouts. [Website]. Available from: [Accessed:10 November 2009] Cristopher, Martin. (2005). Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Pearson Education Limited. Fisher, M. L. (1997). What Is the Right Supply Chain for Your Products? Harvard Business Review. March-April. 97205. Fortune (2009). Global 500 Our annual ranking of the worlds largest corporations. [Website]. Available from: [Accessed: 18 November 2009] Hausman, W. H. (no date)Financial Flow Supply Chain Efficiency [Website] Available from: [Accessed: 10 November 2009] (2009). [Website]. Available from: [Acces

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Abraham Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers

Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln has been depicted as a very gifted orator and noble leader of our country. He is often compared with Shakespeare, due to his ability to say amazingly profound words. He is a very important symbol of our country’s history. Lincoln definitely led an interesting life. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin (now Larue) County, Kentucky. This was near Hodgenville, Kentucky. His mother’s name was Nancy Hanks Lincoln; his father’s name was Thomas Lincoln. Abraham was named after his father’s father. He had an older sister named Sarah, and he had a younger brother named Thomas, but he died in infancy. Abraham Lincoln was once described by his cousin Dennis Hanks as,"...he'll never come to much, fur I'll tell you he wuz the puniest, cryin'est little youngster I ever saw." Abraham’s parents were part of a Baptist congregation. Abraham went to school every once in a while at a log schoolhouse two miles from his farm. Abraham then moved to Indiana due to troubles with land claims. When Abe was 9 years old, his mother died of â€Å"milk sickness† which was a disease that was acquired by drinking the milk of a cow that grazed on poisonous white snakeroot. His father Thomas then rema rried a woman named Sara Bush Johnston. She didn’t think that Abe had enough schooling, so she sent him to school a lot more. Abraham Lincoln enjoyed reading much more than the usual working on the farm. This is where he got most of his knowledge. In the 1830’s, the Lincolns moved to Illinois where Abraham lived until 1837. In Illinois, he worked as a postmaster, a storekeeper, and he served in the Black Hawk War in 1832. His physical features are the most famous qualities of Abraham Lincoln. At his full height, he was 6 feet and 4 inches and was about 180 pounds. This made him very tall and stocky. Lincoln is often depicted as a very hunched over man, since he is so tall. Lincoln decided that he wanted to run for legislature in Illinois. However, he lost his first election. In 1834 he was a Whig and was at last elected to the legislature and served four terms. During this time period, Abraham kept on reading, and eventually went to study the law. In 1837 he moved to Springfield, Illinois. He became a lawyer, and met his future wife. Mary Todd was from Kentucky and had moved to Springfield to live with her married siste... voting rights, which outraged many citizens, especially an actor named John Wilkes Booth. On Good Friday, April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln and his wife went to go see a play (â€Å"Our American Cousin†) at Ford’s Theatre. During the performance, John Wilkes Booth sneaked into the President’s balcony, and shot him in the head at about 10:15 PM. Lincoln was carried to the Peterson House across the street. He laid in a bed not long enough for him, stripped of his clothes, while physicians tried to remove blood clots which formed over the bullet wound. This relieved the pressure on his brain and allowed it to continue functioning and allowing respiration to take place. He internally and externally had hemorrhaging until 7:22 the next morning when he passed away. He was 56 years old when he died. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton immediately said, â€Å"Now he belongs to the ages.† There was a very long funeral procession, in which thousands of people lined the track along the way to Illinois on April 21st. Lincoln was buried in Springfield Illinois on May 4th, 1865. This was the first assassination in presidential history. Therefore it was a very important yet sad time in American history.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ethical Challenges and Agency Issues

When an agent finds out that they are going overbudget or over the allotted time limit the most critical element is open communication. With open communication it gives management more advance warning earlier in the budget cycle to make changes that can get the project back on track. The most important element management needs is ample time to make corrections to keep the project on budget and within time constraints. The more time management has the better their chances are of getting the proper resources aligned to get the budget back under control. If the budget issues are due to the client not properly keeping records, the agency could word the contract in a way that allows provisions for adjustments which would enable the agency to form a financial or time resolution with the client. A contract that allows for those types of adjustments limits agency issues and will keep a better working relationship between the two parties. The main issue is deciding what party is responsible or accountable for an overbudget project. If the agency can demonstrate why the budget is off to the client and be able to charge extra for the additional work the agency could delegate more resources to get the project completed in time as well. It is critical for the agency to have open communication between its team members, but it is just as crucial for the agency to be honest with the client as well. The ethical issue that arises with being overbudget is that individual employees don’t want to be penalized or face repercussions for their performance so they delay reporting results to management. When employees are afraid to report shortfalls earlier in the process it can lead to higher costs and major agency issues. The sooner the agent can show the client that planning or reporting issues are occurring they can make vital decisions to get the project back in line. Employees need to objectively think about others involved in their future with the company and client. As long as individuals clarify expectations and apply ethics to a situation it is possible to get a project back on budget. The agency can delegate more resources to an area that needs more manpower or money to get the project completed as promised to the client. Executive Pay Analyzing the ethical challenges as well as any agency issues in the Level of Executive Pay Case Study brings forth hidden issues in the New York Stock Exchange. To better analyze these issues one first has to ask oneself the following question, what is the true definition of ethics. Wheelwright defined ethics as â€Å"that branch of philosophy which is the systematic study of reflective choice, of the standards of right and wrong by which it is to be guided, and of the goods toward which it may ultimately be directed. † Did Mr.  Richard (Dick) Grasso violate any ethical standards set forth by the organization he was representing; did he really violate the systematic study of reflective choice, of the standards of right and wrong? In order to get a straight answer to this question it will dependent in which side of the fence one might find oneself in; if you are on the side of the lucky ones that happens to earn this outrageous sums of money then the answer would be no. But if you find oneself in the other side of the fence with the individuals who earn an average salary that would never get the opportunity to reach the levels of aristocracy that Mr.  Grasso reached then the answer would be yes. The ethical roles on all companies play a big role on the decision making of each enterprise. Before and after Mr. Grasso was hired it was customary to compensate top officials with these large sums of money. Top officials in the NYSE never had to disclose their earning to the public or to the SEC before so it’s hard to say any ethical standards were bent or even broken. This type of compensation to top NYSE officials was customary and there were no real intentions to misguide or mislead the public or the SEC. Just because not everyone in the NYSE had access to potentially earn this outrageous sums of money will indicate to the public that these individuals were directly involved in unethical behavior. All companies in today’s business society have a code of conduct implemented but this does not means that it is being followed. What companies are doing is creating rewards methods in order to retain the services of these top business gurus that would help their business to maximize their profits and Mr. Grasso track record spoke for itself. These incentive programs can help businesses to minimize any unethical attempts to their code of conduct. The general public and the SEC are outrage because of the outlandish compensation top NYSE officials receives but at no point during the case study it mentions that these top officials have a salary cap. One believes that since there were no salary cap on how much NYSE officials might earn there are no ethical implications that could discourage NYSE official from making these large sums of money. What one does believe is that if there are established codes of conduct and employees or management violates them, there should be strict actions taken to prevent the problem from worsening. One believes that all employees including management needs to uphold the highest level of ethical conduct if a company wants to be successful. 1933, 1934, and SOX The financial information users usually rely on opinion of independent auditors to make important economic decisions. To protect users’ interest from fraudulent financial statement, security acts of 1933, 1934, and SOX joined in to ensure adequate information disclosure. The acts provide regulation that goes beyond and requires more extensive disclosure than GAAP to govern corporate financial activities. For example, companies must fill audited annual and unaudited interim financial statements in conformity with regulation S-k. In addition, the regulation S-K governs the footnote disclosure in the financial statements. Congress enacted the acts after the stock market crash in 1929 to regulate the trading of securities to the public. For this reasons, security trading companies must register with SEC prior to issuance of security to ensure that information presented to investor for making accounting decisions is correct. In the aftermath of the famous corporate accounting scandal (Enron) that rock the world market, congress enacted the Sarbanes- Oxley Act (sox) to strengthen corporate accountability and governance of public companies. The provision increases the CEO and auditors responsibilities. CEO and other top executive must certify that company financial statement and other disclosures are fairly presented in accordance with GAAP. In other words, CEO is responsible to ensure that material misstatement does not exist in the financial statement presented to the users. SOX also authorize the Public Company accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to oversee the activities of the registered accounting firm. This changes the way auditors plan, implement and report the audit. The provision increases penalties that could affect an accountant who is involve in the destruction, alternation, or falsification of records in federal investigations. Any violation of such may be subject to fines and imprisonment of up to 20 years, additional training, new quality control procedure, revocation of firm’s registration, and barring from participating in audit of public companies.

Friday, November 8, 2019

2018-19 Common Application Essay Sample for Option #3

2018-19 Common Application Essay Sample for Option #3 Jennifer wrote the essay below in response to the 2018-19  Common Application essay option #3. The prompt reads,  Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? Gym Class Hero I’m not really an athlete. I’m all for a rousing game of badminton or tennis, and I enjoy cross-country skiing and hiking, but I enjoy these activities as recreation. I don’t find enjoyment in testing my physical limits to the point of pain. I’m not competitive by nature; I rarely challenge others, or find myself face-to-face with an opponent. Except, to my surprise, if that competitor, that challenger, is simply myself. â€Å"Ok, I need some folks to run a mile,† Mr. Fox, the PE Teacher, bellowed over the 40-odd preteens loitering around the playing fields behind Lafayette Middle School. We were working through a unit on track and field events. Up to this point, I had managed to avoid participation. â€Å"It’s four times around the track. Any takers?† A couple people raised their hands and began assembling at the make-shift starting line. â€Å"Well, let’s get a few more out there,† he continued. Looking over the rest of us, he made a quick assessment and called out, â€Å"Johnson. Patterson. VanHouten. And, uh, Baxter.† I froze. Were there any other Baxters in my class? No. Only me. And, to my dismay, I heard myself saying â€Å"Ok!† as I made my way to the track, my heart already pounding, my stomach in knots, with zero confidence in myself. I couldn’t do this. Where did my doubt come from? No one ever said to me, â€Å"Oh, you can’t run a mile.† I don’t even remember any askance looks, any raised eyebrows implying I was out of my depth. Middle-schoolers can be a cruel bunch, but not that day. There was just that voice in my head, as clear as a bell: â€Å"You’ll never be able to run a mile. You can’t even climb stairs without getting winded. It’s going to hurt. You’ll probably pass out. You could never run a mile.† A whole mile? That voice was right. It was, in my mind, impossibly long. What was I going to do? I ran a mile. There was nothing else to do; I didn’t have time to question it, or come up with an excuse. Sometimes challenging a belief is as easy as just doing something. It wasn’t a conscious â€Å"I’m going to challenge this doubt and insecurity I have.† I just started running. Four laps around the track- it took me thirteen minutes. Which, as I research it now, is not particularly impressive. But at the time, I was pretty proud. For someone who never ran, I was just happy I finished. I didn’t feel great; my legs were shaky and there was something rattling around in my chest, but I had proven myself wrong. I could run a mile. Of course, I ended up throwing up about five minutes later. Even if I had new-found confidence and a sense of accomplishment, my body wasn’t quite ready for it yet. I’m sure there’s some lesson to be learned there- something about not pushing ourselves too far, too fast. About knowing and assessing our limitations. But that’s not the important moral of the story. I discovered I wasn’t always right. I learned that I was too critical of myself, too cruel, too unforgiving. Yes, I’m not going to the Olympics anytime soon. Yes, I’m not going to set any records for track. But- once I stopped telling myself no, and just got on with the task at hand, I surprised myself. And that’s something I’m carrying with me into my future: the ability to shut off those doubting voices, and sometimes just going for it. I may surprise myself by discovering I can do much more than I thought possible. Critique of "Gym Class Hero" In general, Jennifer has written a strong Common Application essay. Is there room for improvement? Of course- even the best essays can be made stronger with effort. Below youll find a discussion of some of elements of Jennifers essay that make it strong as well as some comments on areas that could use some revision.   Jennifer's Topic As the tips and strategies for option #3  state, the vagueness of the terms belief or idea allow an applicant to steer his or her essay in a wide range of directions. When asked about beliefs or ideas, most of us will immediately think in terms of politics, religion, philosophy, and ethics. Jennifers essay is refreshing in that she explores none of those things. Instead, she zeros in on something both commonplace yet remarkably important- that nagging internal voice of self-doubt that nearly everyone has experienced at one time or another.   Far too many college applicants feel that they must write about something profound, some amazing accomplishment, or some experience that is truly unique. In fact, many applicants get overly stressed because they feel they have had unremarkable lives and have nothing worth narrating in their essays. Jennifers essay is a beautiful example of the fallacy of these concerns. She writes about something millions of teens have experienced- that awkward feeling of inadequacy in gym class. But she succeeds in taking that common experience and turning it into an essay that lets us see her as a unique person.   In the end, her essay really isnt about running a 13-minute mile. Her essay is about looking inward, recognizing her sometimes paralyzing self-doubt, examining what it is that often holds her back, and ultimately growing in confidence and maturity. Those four laps around the track arent the point. What stands out is that Jennifer has learned an important lesson: to succeed, one needs to first step up and try. The lesson she learned- to stop telling herself no and just get on with the task at hand- is one that the admissions committee will admire, for it is a key to college success. Jennifer's Title, "Gym Class Hero" When the admissions staff first read Jennifers title, they are likely to have concerns. If you read the list of 10 bad essay topics, the hero essay is one of the topics applicants would be wise to avoid. As meaningful as that amazing touchdown or game-winning home run may have been to the applicant, the admissions folks are tired of reading essays about these moments of athletic heroism. The essays tend to all sound the same, too many applicants write that essay, and the essays are all too often more about gloating than self-analysis and introspection. Thus, the title Gym Class Hero could immediately have the reader in the admissions office thinking,  This tired essay. Here we go again.  But the reality of the essay turned out to be something quite different. We quickly learn that Jennifer is no athlete, and her essay is not about heroism in any typical sense of the word. On one level, the title is ironic. A 13-minute mile is certainly not athletic heroism. Or is it? The beauty of Jennifers title is that she takes the overused word hero and recasts it so that it is something internal, a sense of personal accomplishment that few people outside of herself would see as heroic. In short, there is a slight danger in Jennifers title. Its quite possible shell evoke an initial reaction from the admissions officers, and it may not be a wise strategy to have a title that is going to shut down her readers before they even begin the essay. On the flip side, the beauty of Jennifers essay is the way that it redefines the concept of the hero. There are plenty of strategies for writing a good title, and Jennifer could certainly take a safer approach. At the same time, the play on that word hero is so central to the essay something important would be lost with a different title. The Length Common Application essays need to be between 250 and 650 words. Youll hear different opinions on length from different counselors, but theres no denying that much more can be accomplished in an engaging 600-word essay than a well written 300-word essay. The ideal college application length depends on the writer and the topic, but going too short is often a lost opportunity to highlight who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Always keep in mind why the college wants an essay in the first place: the school has holistic admissions and wants to get to know you as an individual. The school will know you better if you say more. Jennifers essay comes in at 606 words, and they are 606 good words. Theres little deadwood, repetition, or other problems of style. She tells an engaging story without digression or unnecessary detail. A Final Word Jennifer is not going to win an athletic scholarship, and no college is going to recruit her for her 13-minute mile. Her essay is not without minor flaws (for example, she uses the word enjoy three times in the first three sentences). But anyone who reads her essay will admire both her writing ability and her ability to look inward, analyze, and grow from an awkward moment in gym class. The big test of an admissions essay is whether or not it answers a couple key questions for the admissions folks: Does the essay help us know the applicant better? Does the applicant seem like someone who we want to invite to share our academic community, and is she likely to contribute to our community in meaningful ways? In Jennifers case, the answer to these questions is yes. Jennifers essay isnt typical of responses to option #3, and the reality is that she could have submitted this same essay under some of the other options. Gym Class Hero would work for option #2 on facing a challenge. It could also work for option #5 on an accomplishment that sparked personal growth. Be sure to look carefully at the tips and strategies for all seven of the Common Application essay options to figure out which would be the best match for your own essay. In the end, however, it wouldnt really matter if Jennifer submitted her essay under #2, #3, or #5. Each is appropriate, and the quality of the essay is what most matters.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Teamwork in organizations

Teamwork in organizations Technological developments have brought about great impacts on the world evidenced by constant and unexpected changes in the environment. These effects have been felt in the business circles with an increase in competition. Many businesses have found themselves in stiff and breath-taking competition. On the same note, this kind of environment requires any ambitious business organisation to utilise its resources well so that it can remain productive as well effective. Therefore, in this fast changing world, most organisations have resorted to increase their levels of production especially by team building at workplace. To achieve this, they have applied various methods of motivating their workers who are by far and large, are able to use their abilities and work harder and make achieving of high goals in that organization a reality (Gupta Shaw, 1998, p. 28). Such efforts by employees have also been found to be instrumental towards workers’ satisfaction at workplace.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teamwork in organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition to motivation, many organizations have adopted collaborative working patterns whereby various team building exercises have been devised by organisations in order to boost the working morale of employees. The teams come together to perform a specific tasks and responsibilities (Appelbaum, Serena Shapiro, 2004, p.5). Teams in an organization would include management team, project team, work team and so on. These teams are motivated in a number of ways to work together and achieve impressive results. Some of the ways include actions to satisfy their needs, monetary incentives, rewards and punitive measures where necessary (Kohn, 1998 p. 30). Today, many organizations owe their success to teamwork since workers are motivated when they achieve great goals set forth by the organisation over and above some personal rewards and rec ognition that they may earn. The practice of team work has been established in several workplaces and has proved to be not only effective in managing organisations but also a prudent measure of assessing the performance of employees and growth of an organisation (Proctor Currie 2002 p. 306). This is an indication of its prevalence and its effectiveness in management and successful operations of an organisation. It is important to note that for a business to grow, work performance should be regularly assessed, evaluated and improved where necessary (Findlay et al., 2000, p.1552). A team is a group of individuals, who share roles and duties towards achieving the same goal while each team member is interdependent in their duties and are embedded in social systems like corporations or business units (McCabe,1990, p.204). In HRM, teamwork has been found to be beneficial due to the myriad gains it brings to the business.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of the dominant reasons why managers would prefer their employees to work as a team is motivation of group members. According to Wiley (1997), the attitude of employees while performing a particular task is largely influenced by the nature of team work spirit (Wiley, 1997 p.279). Hence, it is important to create an environment that is conducive enough while forming cohesive teams. For instance, the respective teams constituted by an organisation should be source of motivation for employees rather than just pulling efforts together. In addition, the author argues that most employers may not be keen in finding out other possible employees can be motivated over and above using monetary incentives. The way employees behave and respond to their various duties depends on the nature of motivation they obtain while working as a team. The theory of motivation looks into how to motivate an employee, how t hat motivation will influence how he behaves and the output of work. It tries to describe ways of motivating workers to work harder to satisfy their own needs as well as attain company goals (Wiley, 1997 p.279). There are numerous ways today of motivating workers in an organization. These ways or methods include ongoing learning, team based rewards, trust, 360-degree feedback, leadership, justice, empowerment, monetary incentives and so on (Herzberg, 1987, p.90). Teamwork can be understood in several ways. Firstly, it forms the basic unit of an organization and brings about high levels of production. It is therefore important that an organization know how and where to put teams depending on the wide range of responsibilities that the company has (Proctor Currie, 2002, p.306). There are various types of teams in an organization such as project teams, work teams, management teams and so on (Findlay et al., 2000 p.1552). Also, there are teams that perform autonomous work like the self managed work teams (SMWT) and the autonomous work group (AWG). In comparison, work teams that have been formed voluntarily perform better and are highly motivated than non voluntary groups.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teamwork in organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An employee’s attitude towards teamwork greatly affects the success of an organization. An organization will fail to realize a certain goal if employees resist teamwork (Proctor Currie, 2002 p.306). This will win the attitudes of the employees and as a predictor, will work towards building teamwork in the organisation. Therefore this indicates that organizational outcomes are based on the trust that exists between the management of an organization and the employees (Kirkman, Jones Shapiro, 2000, p. 74). The performance of small groups within an organisation is a key ingredient to the overall output of the entire organisation. Henc e, the success of any organisation heavily relies on the individual output of small teams that constitute departments or divisions within an organisation. Increased productivity has been directly linked to group efficacy in an organisation. Besides, there are other group dynamics elated to group efficacy that may also contribute positively to the growth of an organisation (Paterson, 2010 p.10). Most studies have also revealed that group dynamics derive a lot of benefit from efficacy and the overall effectiveness of a group. Although leadership style in an organisation is paramount in driving groups, leadership satisfaction may not necessarily be affected by group efficacy. One of the most powerful ways through which groups can increase their efficacy and effectiveness is through team building exercises. It is worth noting organisations with high employee base coupled with diverse values may be cumbersome to manage. In order to improve the productivity of employees working in various departments, team work is indeed paramount. It may not be easy to harmonise different groups to work collectively and still appreciate their contribution and usefulness (Beeson, 2011, p.16). Therefore, team building exercise is duly necessary to improve the efficacy of teams. Team work is a very important organizational practice and behaviour that is highly recommended for any organisation seeking to boost its performance. The essence behind any team building and team work strategy is that when employees work or pull together towards achieving a common goal, it is more likely that the organisation will realize a much faster growth compared to when they pull in different directions.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hence, the concept of team building can be described as an organizational behaviour and practice that attempts to bring employees together as one cohesive team that works to achieve a common objective or goal. Through team work or working in small cohesive groups, an organisation will be in a position to not only advance the leadership skills of its employees, but the morale of its staff will equally be boosted (Casse Claudel, 2011 p.50). For example, when employees are taken for an outing in form of a retreat to conduct team building exercises, it will assist in breaking some of the barriers that exist among them. These barriers may be social, political or even personal and can significantly hinder the effectiveness of team work. Hence, team work that has been cultivated through team building for the purpose of creating vibrant working groups can indeed assist in identifying barriers that hinder the ability of members to be creative. Moreover, the huge number of employees that may be working in one particular organisation can work best if the organisational goals and objectives are clear. In this regard, goal setting theory suggests that employees from all levels of an organisation should participate in the process of goal setting and while they do so, it is upon the senior management to explain to them the importance of setting these goals. However, this can be achieved with much ease when employees work as small organized teams pursuing a common goal (Kohn, 1998 p.30). Such small harmonized and cohesive teams are capable of giving clear definitions of the expected goals and objectives, set a particular time frame within which to achieve the set goals and objectives and above all, carry out performance appraisal (Kirkman, Jones Shapiro, 2000 p.74). In addition, procedures and process within the different departments in an organisation will be improved considerably owing to the fact that there will be a high level of cooperation among workers. In a nutshell , effectiveness of each department in an organisation can only be improved through well defined and constructed groups coined from team building exercises. An organisation that intends to experience tremendous growth and development in this competitive world must build its foundation for success on the strategy of teamwork. It is the key to the development of the staff as well as the employees. Organizational objectives and performance results fully depend on the strength and effectiveness of the teamwork (McCabe,1990 p.209). Sequentially, it is through the same that low trust syndrome and the feeling of isolation at the place of work are overcome (Kohn, 1998, p. 30). Finally, team work enables the management of an organisation to identify, recruit and retain talent (McCabe,1990 p.209). Talent flow within an organisation and the way it is strategically hired, developed, nurtured and retained are all components of talent management. Although a business organisation or institution may opt to settle for trained professionals, the process of aligning the right personnel with jobs that suits them most demands more than just professionalism and training. Indeed, the availability of sufficient and most productive labour supply requires cross-section of talent management throughout an organisation as per the broad objectives of a business organisation. Such a process may be difficult to accomplish if the management of a company does not work with small harmonised groups. It is only through team work that managers can integrate and incorporate talent in human resource development. To sum up, managers play an important role in encouraging teamwork and organizing the context in which they work. Team work adds value to the performance of an organization. However, it is important to note that the system of rewarding and appraisals should be given due attention because it affects team working. Managers need to motivate their workers, empower and address issues affecting the m. Besides, teamwork should not be resisted by the employees or the manager because it increases the productivity of an organisation. Its strategic nature is exemplified in the relationship it has with performance. References Appelbaum, S. H., Serena, M., Shapiro, B. T. 2004. Generation X and the Boomers: Organizational Myths and Literary Realities. Management Research News. 27(11), 1-20. Beeson, J. 2011. Build a Strong Team. Leadership Excellence. 28 no.2 (june 1): 15-18. . Casse, P., Claudel, P. 2011. Leadership styles: a powerful model. Training  Journal. 46-51. Findlay, P. et al. 2000. In search of perfect people: Teamwork and team players in the Scottish spirits industry. Human Relations. 53(12), 1549-1574 Gupta, N. Shaw, Jason D. 1998. Let the evidence speak: Financial incentives are effective!! Compensation and Benefits Review. 30 (2), 26-32. Herzberg, F. 1987. One more time: how do you motivate employees. Harvard Business Review. 87- 99. Kir kman, B. L., Jones, R.G. Shapiro, D.L. 2000. Why do employees resist teams? Examining the resistance barrier â€Å"to work team effective. The International Journal of Conflict Management. 11(1), 74–92. Kohn, A. 1998. Challenging behaviorist dogma: Myths about money and motivation Compensation and Benefits Review. 30(2), 27-33. McCabe, D. 1990. The team dream:the meaning and experience of teamworking for employees in an automobile manufacturing company. The meaning and  experience of teamworking for employees. 204-213. Paterson, J. 2010. Do teams work? Leadership for Student  Activities.39 no.4: 9-12. . Proctor, S. Currie, G. 2002.How team working works in the Inland Revenue: meaning, operation and impact. Personnel Review. 31 (3) 304-319. Wiley, C. 1997. What motivates employees according to over 40 years of motivation surveys. International Journal of Manpower. 18(3), 263-280.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Looking back over the span of American history since 1607, what Essay

Looking back over the span of American history since 1607, what historical evidence supports Kinzer's assertion - Essay Example They vary in heritage and their ancestors came from different coasts. However, they share commonalities in valuing enjoyment of rights, liberty, fairness, and equal treatment of people which serves as purposive guide in their way of life. It is from this context that America has been historically intervening in varied nations in the name of freedom. It’s also from this political purview that Stephen Kinzer, prominent writer author of Kinzer, Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, pointed that America perceived itself as ‘a peculiar, chosen people, the Israel of our times.’ Kinzer (2006), a political analyst, perceived that most of the intervention done my American government in other sovereign nations is motivated to protect its business interests from possible restriction and regulations-- such as demands for taxation, labor laws and environmental protection, through geopolitical strategies. Kinzer (2006) pointed that these rest rictions imposed by nations, where American multinational companies are operating, are perceived anti-American, repressive or probably dictatorial. When conflict is heightened, the intervention could either be considered economic, political or an operation for liberation from perceived tyrannical governments. He cited that US lead-participation in overthrowing governments was evident in Hawaii in1893 to Iraq in 2003. Kinzer (2006) also contended that American-led or supported coups d'etat in Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iran, Guatemala, South Vietnam, Chile, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan, and Iraq was a result of similar causes and motivation. Critical of its view, Kinzer argued that in 1898, US helped local rebels in Cuba to overthrow the Cuban government. Is this messianic political view of America indeed evident in the anal of its history? In the 16th century, under Colonial America, it was reckoned that Europeans traversed to America for economic r easons, to escape religious persecution and they settled at what they called the New World. Many of them lived with the assistance of Native Americans and started farming to produce corn grains and tobacco. They also engaged themselves in mercantilism to increase political power and wealth—thus, the extraction of gold and silver from North America and subsequently brought to London market. Mercantilism was protected by government through trades’ regulation and by providing subsidies for emerging industries to develop exports and control imports. The period was however characterized with smuggling, an American way to dodge out trading restrictions of European nations. Conflict rose as pirates launched several attacks. Conflict heightened until Seminoles from Georgia killed the remaining Indian residents at Florida. The regions of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, California and Kansas were also explored by Spanish conquestadores. Missionaries were sent in these a reas to propagate Christianity and to declare historic claims. American conquered and recovered the sites

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hurricane Katrina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example Around mid 19th Century, the ‘Irish Potato Famine’ hit Ireland while ‘Hurricane Katrina’ hit United States in 2005; both disasters had many similarities and a few differences. Both Irish Potato Famine and Hurricane Katrina were natural disasters that hit different countries at different times. Hurricane Katrina is one of the most destructive disasters that have hit the American coastline over the centuries. It was unprecedented and spread so fast to vast areas, from the Bahamas to Florida to the Gulf of Mexico. Other areas affected included Louisiana, New Orleans, Texas, and the coast of Mississippi among other areas. Massive flooding was experienced within a very short period. Between 1845 and 1952, Ireland experienced a disastrous famine that affected livelihoods due to the failure of the crop that the people almost exclusively relied on. The cause of the crop failure was due to an unprecedented potato blight that had originated from Mexico and found its w ay to Ireland. The magnitude of the two disasters is comparable given the different times that they occurred. To a person in the 19th, century, potato blight that was caused by fungi appeared to be a mystery and could not be understood and no immediate solution was found. The same case happened in 2005 when the hurricane got the people off guard, the best thing that could have been done was to evacuate those who were in the prone areas. Floods extended over large areas and completely curtailed operations in the entire region. Lives were lost in both incidences, it was estimated that up to one thousand, eight hundred and thirty three people lost their lives during the hurricane and the subsequent floods. These figures could have risen if it were not for immediate intervention by the government agencies as well as other rescue operators. Property estimated at more than $81 billion was lost in the process. For the case of the Irish Potato Famine, it was reported that more than eight hu ndred thousand people died and more than one million others found their way to other countries in the world. Despite the two disasters being similar in that they were all natural, there is a difference in how the population reacted to the incidences. While the Americans were so swift to find a solution to the prevailing problem that threatened the country, the Irish situation is as if it emanated from their own making. The level of preparedness was very poor and the aspect of overreliance on potatoes as the staple food posed a threat that could result to a food crisis as it came to be. It is also ironical that despite the people dying of hunger, the country still exported grains to other countries. The issue was not looked into with seriousness even after the experts addressed the cause, they made a wrong conclusion. For Katrina, every minute mattered and the rescuers were on high gear not only to rescue the survivors but also there was a concerted effort to contain the situation. F ederal agencies such as National Hurricane Centre, United States Coast Guard and National Weather Service had an insurmountable input in the path to containing the situation. Those who slept on their job faced the axe such as the director of Federal Emergency Management agency. Both disasters had lasting effects as characterized by the aftermath of the two incidences. The economy of Ireland downsized